Aug 27, 2022
What is a coaching menu, and how can you use it with teachers? On this episode, I'm chatting with instructional coach Raymi Royo about how she uses coaching menus to frame her work with teachers. She shares how it has helped her teachers better understand their students and approach professional learning in a more open...
Aug 20, 2022
A lot of instructional coaches have
strained relationships with their administration. They don't feel
supported, or they feel like the principal doesn't understand their
coaching role.
On this episode, I'm joined by the authors of The EduCoach Survival
Guide, Lindsay Deacon and Angela Scotto Harkness. We talk...
Aug 13, 2022
Instructional coaches often address content and skills with teachers but rarely focus on mindset. On this episode, I talk to Becca Silver of The Whole Educator about transformational coaching. We discuss what it is, the benefits, and how it's different from traditional coaching. You'll learn about reflective listening...
Aug 6, 2022
The first 20 days of coaching are crucial for setting the stage for a successful school year. In this episode, I give you a step-by-step plan for your first 4 weeks on campus. You’ll learn what to do each week to get to know your staff, build relationships, and provide instructional coaching support. I also share some...