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Instructional Coaching with Ms. B

Oct 31, 2020

In this episode, Naomi O'Brien of Read Like a Rock Star helps us understand how race can affect our work as instructional coaches. She shares her experiences as a Black teacher working with coaches as well as defines microagressions, bias, white supremacy, and other important ideas that we need to understand in order to...

Oct 24, 2020

Professional development doesn't have to be boring! When we create engaging PD, people are more likely to learn, and when we give them opportunities to bridge learning to their classrooms, they're more likely to apply what they've learned!

In this episode, I share my favorite six strategies that will help you turn all...

Oct 17, 2020

Instructional coaches can provide tremendous support to teachers through PLC and PD, and help set the course for learning on your campus. But where do you start? In this episode, I share three methods for conducting a needs assessment and a step-by-step approach for putting it all together to identify the next steps...

Oct 10, 2020

Collaborating to create curriculum is a challenge for instructional coaches. In this episode, Crystal Ceresani of The Sparkly Notebook shares her process with us from start to finish!

Learn about how she prepares for a planning session, what logistics work for her and for my teachers, too, the norms and...

Oct 3, 2020

Virtual coaching is an exhausting challenge for so many instructional coaches! In this episode of Buzzing with Ms. B: The Coaching Podcast, I talk to Nicole S. Turner of Simply Coaching & Teaching about her work as a virtual instructional coach. We talk about building relationships online, what her role has looked...