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Instructional Coaching with Ms. B

Feb 29, 2020

The first time I tried planning collaboratively with a grade level, I wanted to die. It was so confusing; we were all talking about the same things but we weren't communicating effectively at all, and everyone left without a sense of what to do or why to do it.

Flash forward five years and we'd created a system for...

Feb 22, 2020

Coteaching can be stressful, but the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks once you have a plan! It's one of the most impactful ways to support teacher growth, if you know how to make it work for you both.

This episode breaks down co-teaching into easy steps and gives you tips that will help you create a great...

Feb 15, 2020

Does modeling in classrooms stress you out? It used to stress me out, big time. It's scary - you don't know the kids, you are walking in to model just one piece of the learning, and the classroom isn't set up to your own teaching style.

We all have horror stories. Listen in to this episode to hear all about the horror...

Feb 8, 2020

Does envisioning a debriefing conversation cause you to break out in hives? Providing feedback to teachers can be stressful, especially when you are worried about the direction the conversation might go!

Nicole S. Miller of Simply Coaching + Teaching joins me on the podcast today to talk about some tips and methods for...

Feb 1, 2020

Hey coaches!

The coaching cycle is one of the most effective methods for supporting and growing teachers. This episode breaks down the process for you, one step at a time, so you can implement it right away!

Join me in learning about why it's so important to plan together and assign roles, how you can set a goal that...